7 Ways To Leverage Online Assessment Platform To Boost Your Hiring

7 Ways To Leverage Online Assessment Platform To Boost Your Hiring

Being a hiring manager, you would have toiled for days, weeks and months for the right candidates. Crossing your fingers hoping that your hoping that your right picks don’t back out at the last moment. Recruiters and hiring managers receive many good applications for the open job positions. But, as you cannot invite every applicant for a personal interview, you need to implement a strict screening process, which is based on the received application documents.

   Looking for Online Assessment Software? Check out the best online assessment software.

Cut the clutter of hiring by leveraging the power of online assessment platform.

Ways To Leverage Online Assessment Platform

Online assessment platform drives your hiring process in a structured way

Interviews play a cardinal role in the hiring decision preceded by a series of steps involving filtering through a pool of resumes. However, if interviews are the wheels in the hiring process, assessment test is the engine that puts the vehicle into motion. Assessment tests help the recruiters to weed out hopeless candidates, thereby leading to a structured interview process.

Some of the top advantages of the structured interview process are as follows:

  • Standardized questions=> standardized response, all the candidates face the same questions. This makes the process efficient.
  • Unbiased process: Online assessment helps you to treat all the candidates equally as questions are based on job requirements. Candidates will get to know the link between what they are being evaluated on thus improving the candidate experience.
  • Decision-makers have the same information for every candidate, comparisons can be made quickly in terms of candidates’ potential for success. Trainers, this is a huge relief for you guys.

Harvard Business Review stresses the importance of pre-assessment tests.

Reach wider applicants using online assessment platform

For the vast majority of exam candidates, time is precious. Having to spend time and money travelling to a test centre for a particular exam is not ideal.

Sourcing and managing proctored test centres, particularly across multiple countries in another catch 22. There is then the additional effort associated with actually scheduling exams and managing candidate attendance, cancellations and re-schedules. This becomes all the more complex when test centers are in different time zones.

As electronic communication becomes increasingly common, you need not worry about pen and paper tests anymore. You can share the same set of questions with a huge number of candidates just in the matter of a click.

Hence, online assessment platform offers huge flexibility for organizations as you can run exams or tests in any combination.

An interesting article that narrates how the software giant, Google, uses an online assessment platform to maximize hiring.

Say goodbye to manual invigilation and embrace AI enabled proctored assessments

Online assessment tests can be extremely hard. And they’re often the first gatekeepers on the path to the best graduate jobs. Cheating can become very tempting and the likelihood of getting caught is very very low in manual invigilation.

But, how to deter cheating and incorporate fairness into hiring?

The answer is very simple, adopt AI enabled proctored assessments!

Best HR Software Solutions

Campus Recruitment Software

With our online campus recruitment software screen, hire top talents hassle-free. Everything is under one platform, from test creation to the candidate's evaluation. from test creation to the candidate's evaluation.

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Based on 321 user ratings

API Integration by Xobin

Get integrated and harness the strength of robust assessments with Xobin APIs. Save sweat and time and focus on your core offering, not building your assessment stack. from test creation to

Rating 5.0   

Based on 321 user ratings

Psychometric Testing Software

With Xobin’s Psychometric Testing Software, you get insights into a candidate’s behavior and personality traits. Gain valuable insights on candidates and make smart hiring decisions.

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Based on 321 user ratings

Coding Skill Assessment Software

With our 100+ coding assessments on various languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, React, Angular, etc., evaluate and hire the best-talented developers. from test creation to the candidate's evaluation. to the candidate's evaluation.

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Based on 321 user ratings

Pre-Employment Testing Software:

Get access to the vast library of validated tests to screen candidates using online assessments. Simplify your recruitment process with our cloud-based Pre-employment Testing Software. from test creation to the candidate's evaluation.

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Based on 321 user ratings

Pre-recorded Video Interview Platform:

Pre-recorded Video Interview Platform allows candidates to fully express themselves to a pre-recorded question. So that you can get more insight into candidates in far less time than a traditional phone interview. from test creation to the candidate's evaluation.

Rating 5.0   

Based on 321 user ratings

A candidate is monitored online during the test duration typically with the help of a webcam, mic and access to the screen of the candidate. In addition to recording, the system also monitors the feeds for any suspicious activity using advanced video and audio analytics. It generates a comprehensive report that explains students’ activity during every minute of the examination. Recruiters can now use this information to see how students test and analyze the exam recordings to gain insights about the test environment.

The best part of proctored tests using an online assessment platform is that it eliminates both schedule and location constraints. Also, doesn’t require humans to do the review, and hence it is scalable and is more cost-effective.

Another interesting article explaining the importance of AI in HR functional.

Comprehensive test analysis and report generation

The key goal of an online assessment platform is to provide a valid and reliable ‘true’ score.

The true score is a summary of statistical and analytical data that is collected. This helps to determine how well students achieve a particular learning outcome. Hence, the post-analysis is critical not just for hiring managers but also for candidates. Test analysis and reports project powerful insights to the candidates to map their performance against a standard and also explains the areas of improvement.

An ideal test analysis of an online assessment platform should portray:

  • Performance of a candidate with respect to various sections
  • Performance of a candidate with respect to the level of difficulty
  • Gap analysis of a distinctive score with respect to the standard score
  • Address strengths and areas of improvement
  • Valuable feedback and suggest ways for improvement

This is how an ideal analysis would look like!

Minimizing Human Error and Legal Risks using an Online Assessment Platform

An online assessment platform is married with automation. Besides helping a company realize improvements in various business outcomes, pre-employment assessment platform helps enhance the legal defensibility of an organization’s hiring process.

Online assessment tools and tests remove the chances of the recruiter having any personal bias towards the candidate. This will ensure that you can think away about all the legal risks or future lawsuit that might come your way from some unsatisfied candidate.

Here is the catch, pre-assessment platform reduce legal risks for a company, provided the test is ‘job-related’. It is advisable for organizations to rely on a pre-assessment platform that tests only the requisite skills. The one stop solution for this: Xobin!

Invest profitable time on the right candidates

You would agree that the cost of a bad hire can cost you a fortune. It has roughly been calculated to be least one year’s salary and could even be 4 to 5 times the annual compensation.

To avoid this, it is very important for the hiring managers to spend quality time with the right candidates to understand them. An ideal online assessment platform that caters the psychometric tests allows you to understand the psyche of the candidates.

They directly or indirectly reveal if a candidate can fit into your organization’s culture. Do not ask way too personal questions that may freak them out.

Here a few questions you may ask to gain insights in a very subtle way:

  • Do not ask: Tell me about yourself…  Of course, any sane interviewee will have a prepared answer to this.

Instead try asking: Describe yourself in three words… May not be very unconventional, but this question quickly reveals the most important quality your interviewee possess.

  • Do not ask: What do you know about our company?

Instead try asking: How would you describe our company’s values? Or, Tell me something about our company that you do not see on the website…  You will get to know about their research skills and also find if they are really interested in the job.

  • Do not ask: What is your greatness weakness? Again, candidates would come up with stereotypical answers like ‘Honesty’, ‘Short-tempered’, ‘Perfectionist’, blah blah blah…

Instead try asking: What would say was your biggest failure? This opens up the conversation.

Assess the strengths and weakness while listening to your candidate.

Hiring for an unfamiliar functional

Many a time recruiters and hiring managers will have to hire the workforce for a totally different department which they might never have dealt with earlier.

For example, a hiring manager may be looking out for Sales Representatives to recruit for his organization. In such a situation the hiring manager may not know about the length and breadth of the sales process. An online assessment platform serves as a rescue under such circumstances.

Let’s consider the case of hiring a Sales Representative in more detail.  You  will have to assess the following skills:

  • Basic analytical and reasoning- To understand the problem-solving ability and thought process of your candidates.
  • Communication skills- Effective communication is one of the key skills for any sales representative. It is crucial to assess the written and verbal communication skills of candidates.
  • Psychometry- To understand the if the candidate can adapt to the organization’s culture.
  • Sales Aptitude- To assess if the candidate possesses strong negotiation, persuasive and research skills.

Xobin Interact online assessment platform offers an all-in-one solution to this.

Our sales ability test will give you insights into the following information.

  • Understanding Buyer Emotions and Empathy
  • Problem-solving
  • Integrity and Conscientiousness
  • Openness
  • Ability to withstand the pressure

Are you hiring?

Look no further for an ideal online assessment platform. At Xobin, we will help you to screen the right fit while you can concentrate on other important tasks.

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