10 Major Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)

10 major functions of Human resource management (HRM)

A crucial component of organizational management, human resource management (HRM) aims to increase the productivity and effectiveness of a company’s employees.

It entails a collection of initiatives, guidelines, and practices intended to manage personnel development and help the organization reach its strategic goals. To find and hire talent, train and keep people, and keep a positive work environment, HRM is essential.

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The ten primary responsibilities of human resource management will be examined in this article, including hiring and firing, managing performance, providing training and development, paying salaries and benefits, and more. Any organization wishing to create and maintain a high-performing workforce must comprehend these functions.

Functions of Human resource management

Functions of Human resource management

1. Recruitment and Selection

To find and attract competent people to fill open positions in an organization, recruitment, and selection is a crucial components of human resource management. The process starts with defining the job criteria and writing job descriptions, then it moves on to finding possible candidates using a variety of sources, including job boards, social media, and personal recommendations.

The following phase comprises vetting and assessing applicants based on their credentials, experience, and cultural fit. This includes performing interviews, tests, and background investigations.

The best applicant for the position is chosen, and an employment offer is made as the last stage. Building a high-performing staff and accomplishing an organization’s strategic goals depend on effective recruitment and selection procedures.

2. Training and Development

Enhancing employees’ knowledge, abilities, and skills to increase their performance and productivity is a crucial part of human resource management. This task includes determining the training requirements of the workforce, creating training programs, and delivering them via a variety of channels, including on-the-job training, classroom instruction, e-learning, and coaching.

Programs for career development such as job rotation, mentorship, and succession planning can be included in training and development. Organizations may increase their competitiveness, promote a culture of continuous learning, and retain top talent by investing in the training and development of their workforce.

Additionally, properly trained staff members are better able to manage changes and difficulties at work, which can increase job satisfaction and decrease turnover rates.

3. Performance Management

Setting clear expectations for employees, assessing their performance, giving them feedback, and dealing with performance difficulties are all important aspects of human resource management.

It includes setting expectations for performance and goals, evaluating performance, and offering coaching and development opportunities. Employee motivation and alignment with organizational goals are both guaranteed by effective performance management software.

Additionally, it enables businesses to recognize top performers and take the necessary steps to keep and reward them. Additionally, performance management aids in enhancing accountability and communication between staff members and their managers. As a result, which can increase productivity and job satisfaction.

4. Compensation and Benefits

Creating and implementing salary and benefit plans to recruit and keep exceptional employees is a critical component of human resource management. Creating pay systems, calculating salaries and earnings, and managing benefits like healthcare, retirement programs, and paid time off are all part of this activity.

For employee engagement and retention as well as for attracting fresh talent, effective remuneration and benefits programs are essential.

Competitive remuneration and benefits packages strengthen an organization’s ability to recruit and keep top employees, which can boost output and enhance overall performance. Fair and equal wage practices also support a supportive work environment and encourage employee loyalty.

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5. Employee Relations

Human resource management’s crucial employee relations role focuses on managing and enhancing connections between workers and employers. This responsibility entails managing employee engagement and communication. Also, handling employee complaints, and making sure that employment rules and regulations are followed.

Maintaining a pleasant workplace culture and lowering staff turnover depend on effective employee relations programs. Organizations can boost productivity and employee morale while lowering the risk of legal issues by promoting open and honest communication.

Employee trust and loyalty can be fostered through employee relations programs, and this can boost job satisfaction and retention. Effective employee relations techniques are fundamental for developing a harmonious and effective workplace, in general.

6. Employee Engagement

A key component of human resource management is employee engagement, which entails fostering an environment at work where staff members feel inspired to give their all and are dedicated to the organization’s objectives.

Measuring employee engagement levels, creating and implementing engagement-boosting programs, and monitoring results are all part of this activity. So please create programs that effectively engage employees can increase output, lower attrition, and foster a healthy work environment.

Additionally, they can promote teamwork and innovation among employees and help to create a sense of community. Organizations may create a more driven, effective, and devoted staff by investing in employee engagement, and this can result in higher profitability and a competitive edge.

7. Diversity and Inclusion

Human resource management’s crucial task of diversity and inclusion entails making the workplace welcoming to workers with different ideas and backgrounds. This responsibility includes creating and implementing practices, policies, and programs that advance equity, justice, and respect.

Programs that promote diversity and inclusion can improve organizational performance by increasing innovation and creativity, attracting and retaining bright individuals, and increasing employee retention.

Additionally, they can aid in reducing the possibility of legal disputes and damaging publicity resulting from harassment or discrimination. Organizations may develop a more robust and adaptable workforce that is better able to respond to shifting market conditions and customer needs by fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace.

8. HR Planning and Analysis

A crucial aspect of human resource management is HR planning and analysis, which is determining how to best fulfill future and present workforce requirements. This task includes looking at workforce trends, predicting talent demand, and locating skill gaps.

Planning and analyzing HR effectively may help organizations connect their personnel with their business goals, foresee future staffing requirements, and create strategies for luring and keeping top talent.

Organisations can use it to pinpoint areas in which workers need more training or development to perform better and produce more. Organizations may develop a more flexible and effective workforce that is better equipped to respond to shifting market conditions and new technology by investing in HR planning and analysis.

9. Employee Health and Safety

A key component of human resource management, employee health, and safety focuses on establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for employees. Therefore, this duty entails creating and putting into effect workplace safety rules and procedures, delivering workplace safety training, and attending to employee health issues.

Programs that focus on employee health and safety can lower workplace accidents and injuries, enhance employee well-being, and boost productivity. These initiatives might also lessen the possibility of legal challenges over workplace safety or health risks.

Organizations can develop a workplace culture that values employee well-being and encourages a safe and healthy work environment by investing in employee health and safety.

10. HR Information Systems

A crucial component of human resource management is the HR information system (HRIS), which uses technology to organize and analyze HR data. Hence, implementing and maintaining HRIS software, creating and designing HR reports. As well as examining HR metrics to aid in decision-making are all included in this job.

Organizations may increase data quality, decrease errors, and streamline HR procedures with the use of an effective HRIS.

Additionally, it makes it possible for HR managers to produce accurate reports on time, spot trends, and come to informed decisions. Organizations can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their HR departments as well as their capacity to recruit, train, and retain top personnel by investing in HRIS.


In conclusion, human resource management (HRM) includes a variety of duties that are essential to an organization’s performance.

Each function is essential to managing and growing human capital within an organization, including recruitment and selection, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, employee engagement. Also, diversity and inclusion, HR planning and analysis, employee health and safety, and HR information systems.

HRM encompasses more than simply administrative duties. Also, it involves strategic planning, employee development, and fostering a supportive workplace environment.

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