Aptitude Questions
Every candidate irrespective of job role require basic numerical, communication and reasoning skills. Xobin question library has exclusive questions to assess analytical, verbal and reasoning skills of candidates. The aptitude tests are designed in such a way to design the liquid and fluid intelligence of the candidates.

Coding Questions
All tech job roles require basic coding skills. Xobin Question Library has various coding ability assessment tests, designed to gauge coding competencies and the ability to create test cases for the given coding challenges.
Skill-based Questions
Xobin, with pre-built assessment tests for 800+job roles is designed to assess the core competencies of the candidates. The skill based questions are designed for non-technical roles. Digital Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Inside Sales, Customer Service Assessments are few examples of skill-based assessment questions.
Audio/Video Questions
Audio/Video questions not only enhance the assessment tests but also provides a fun element to the candidates as well. Xobin enables employers to add audio/video file to a question or create your own Audio/Video question.
Subjective Questions
Some questions do not have a binary answer. The candidate needs to justify or share their perspective to the employer. In such cases, Xobin assessment software allows employers to create subjective questions of their own or choose subjective questions from the respective assessment domains.