Top Interview Questions for MEAN Stack Developer
A MEAN stack developer has knowledge in specific areas. This stack development falls under these particular sets of technologies MongoDB, Expressjs, AngularJs, NodeJS.
According to the StackOverflow Developer Survey Results 2021, Angular is the fourth most popular web framework.
Are you in a hurry to get started? Download the MEAN Stack Developer Interview Questions and Responses Toolkit.

Hard Skills
Use these questions to identify a candidate’s technical knowledge and abilities

Soft Skills
Use these questions to assess a candidate’s personality traits and cognitive skills
What to look for while interviewing for a MEAN Stack Developer?
The skills required for a MEAN stack developer position are expertise in complete MEAN, knowledge in server management and database management. Therefore, look for a candidate who has knowledge of all these.
Here are some skills to look out for when hiring a MEAN Stack Developer
Role-specific skills to look for: Knowledge of Complete Mean, Node js, Mongo DB, Angular js, and Express js, expertise in PHP, jQuery, MySQL.
Soft skills to look for Problem Solving, Analytical, attention to detail, and Team management.
Pro Tip: Always screen before your interview. Use Online Assessment to screen applicants for a MEAN stack developer position before blocking your time for an in-person interview.
Questions to ask while interviewing a MEAN Stack Developer
We have compiled a set of questions with the help of 70+ hiring managers at different organizations.
Top Role-based interview questions for Full Stack Engineer
What’s new in Angular 6 and why shall we upgrade to it?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question is designed to check if the candidate keeps up with the latest trends or not, as AngularJs is one of the major technologies used by a MEAN stack developer.
What to listen for:
- Ideal answer would list out all the major features of the upgraded Angular 6 and their advantages.
What does occasion-driven programming mean?
Purpose of this interview question:
Since event-driven programming is a major feature of Node.js, therefore information about occasion-driven programming becomes important too for a MEAN stack developer.
What to listen for:
- Listen for specific terms that explain occasion-driven programming.
Explain about MongoDB?
Purpose of this interview question:
This question is designed to know how much a candidate knows about the NoSQL database since it is one of the major technical requirements for this developer.
What to listen for:
- Ideal answers would include specific terms like open-source, NoSQL database, etc, to explain MongoDB.
How to screen Full Stack Engineer for soft skills
Can you tell us what is something you have learned recently?
Purpose of this interview question:
Curiosity and knowledge about new topics are extremely critical for this function.
What to listen for:
- An ideal answer would describe the reasons for learning the topic and if applied anywhere.
What are the most important qualities you think a MEAN Stack Developer must have?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question is designed to understand the scope of the candidate’s understanding of the requirement of skills and qualities for the position.
What to listen for:
- An ideal answer would list out the top soft skills, experience, and knowledge required to become a MEAN stack developer.
How do you like to work, with a team or on your own?
Purpose of this interview question:
This question is designed to understand if the candidate is a team player or loner.
What to listen for:
- An ideal candidate should be able to work in both situations.
Start Optimizing your MEAN Stack Developer Hiring today
Find and hire talent with confidence. If your candidate doesn’t know the answer to the above questions and you’re hiring for a MEAN Stack Developer position, then they’re obviously not a great fit.
Read our additional hiring guides