Xobin Product Updates in May 2024

We’re here in May 2024, and this product updates in May blog is still written by me and not generated by AI 🙂 

While we are at the topic of AI, let’s jump straight into this. We get asked a lot of times by our clients – “What is our Strategy with respect to AI and how will you include it in Xobin?” Here is how Generative AI in recruitment is bringing you tons of value and newer product updates in May in Xobin.

AI Specific Product Updates in May 

Personally, me and my team are all excited about the various use cases that this has opened up. While we have had decision support systems and automation for years, but this time it’s the real deal. When used ethically, the power of AI is truly in helping you analyze data 100x quicker

Advanced AI based Proctoring

Advanced AI based Proctoring

We have introduced 8 more levels of Remote Proctoring. Yes, some of these are geography specific to comply with local norms, but the aim is to limit cheating activities.

  1. Absentee Monitoring: Checks if candidate has blocked their camera or left the seat.
  2. Multiple Face Detection: Checks is more than 1 person is present in the test background
  3. Device Detection: Checks presence of visible/partially visible phone, book or TV Screen.
  4. Screen Recording: Records the complete screen of the candidate
  5. Eye Tracking: Records if the candidate is excessively gazing away from the monitor.
  6. Audio & Lip Tracking: Record audio and identify if applicant taking verbal help.
  7. Secure Browser: Get a dedicated exam browser that blocks all external applications.
  8. Real time Live Proctoring: Humans to monitor small batches of candidates in real time.

AI analysis on Candidate performance

Automatically generate interview questions, rank, percentile and SWOT analysis of candidate using AI.

AI analysis on Candidate performance

AI Based Text and Video Answer Analysis

Xobin can automatically grade text-based answers and Video based Interview answers. AI is used to grade the answer based on correctness, accuracy. If required, you can check communication/grammar using the same.

GPT and AI Generated Content Detection

Doubt that your applicants may have plagiarized content from Bard/GPT/Claude/Gemini or any other LLM? We’ve got you covered. Use our AI Detection module that flags AI generated content in case it detects more than 20% content is written by AI

GPT and AI Generated Content Detection

Platform wide Feature Updates and Upgrades

English Professional Language Test ( Versant style)

Xobin now has the ability to evaluate language fluency. We evaluate their cohesion, grammar, fluency, and vocabulary, offering comprehensive insights into their language skills. The CEFR-based grading support, now incorporated for detailed assessment reports, evaluates language proficiency on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages scale, ranging from A1 (beginner) to C2 (mastery). 

English Professional Language Test

Candidate Comparative Analysis

The AI Analysis tool acts as a hiring co-pilot, assisting in identifying top skills among candidates, generating interview questions, and performing comparative analyses. It provides rankings and percentiles for every applicant, aiding in informed decision-making during the hiring process.

Candidate Comparative Analysis

My-Sections and My-Templates

Like bookmarks? Use the bookmark icon in the platform to save individual sections of an assessment under “My Sections” for future reuse. Entire assessments can also be saved under “My Templates,” which is currently in the beta stage. This feature reduces repetitive work and enhances efficiency in assessment creation.

My-Sections and My-Templates

Decimal Precision in Assignments and Video Interviews

The platform now allows for decimal precision up to two places in scoring for Assignments and Video Interviews. This feature provides more granularity and accuracy in scoring, allowing for finer distinctions between candidates’ performances.

Decimal Precision in Assignments and Video Interviews

New Role: Assessment Creator

The “Assessment Creator” role is designed specifically for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who are tasked with creating and editing assessments. This role does not have permissions to view detailed proctoring reports or send assessments, focusing the SME on content creation without access to candidate data or results.

New Role: Assessment Creator

Section-wise Proctoring

The platform now supports section-wise proctoring, allowing administrators to specify which sections of an assessment require proctoring and which do not. This feature enables a more tailored approach to security and integrity, depending on the sensitivity or criticality of different assessment parts.

Section-wise Proctoring

All Assessment Analytics Export

The 1-Click Export feature enables users to download consolidated data from multiple tests into a single spreadsheet. This includes all invite data and recent completions across all assessments, simplifying the process of data analysis and reporting.

All Assessment Analytics Export

New Assessment Builder using Job Description

Simply paste your Job Description. The New Assessment Builder can automatically builds an assessment, leveraging its capabilities to interpret the JD and construct relevant evaluation criteria.

Weighted MCQ

In traditional MCQs, each question typically has one correct answer, with all questions often carrying the same weight or value towards the final score. The Weighted MCQ feature introduces a more nuanced approach. Creators can assign different weights to each option within a multiple-choice question, reflecting the varying degrees of correctness or relevance of each answer.

New Coding Compiler for Rust, Go, C#

We now support the 10+ most popular coding languages with our new compilers. Say Hi to our newer compilers – Rust, C# and Go. Along with SQL for DB programming added in the previous update, we enable firms to screen talent across a broader range of coding languages. Our compiler list crosses 10.

Deprecation of Non-Easycode Coding questions

The aim of coding question is to understand the applicant’s grasp in the fundamentals of that specific programming language. Instead of having candidates spend time in writing code to read input and format the output to suit the question, it’s more important for them to complete the function with pre-written input and output variables. By focusing on these function based questions, we aim to enhance the testing experience, ensuring that it is not only efficient but also accessible to a broader range of programming skills. We call this EasyCode

Smaller Fixes, Product Updates and Improvements

Turkish & Portuguese Special Characters

We’ve had increasing number of customers who spoke Portuguese and Turkish Language. These languages have unique and special characters. Xobin platform now supports reading special characters from languages like Portuguese and Turkish, including letters like Ş, Ü, ç, and ã.

API Dashboard

The API Dashboard allows users to easily create and manage API keys, track their API usage, and view logs for a clearer insight into their API interactions. This tool is designed to simplify API management and enhance transparency in usage and activities.

Change Test Ownership

Want to assign someone else as the owner of a test? Sure. Just hit the assessment settings and adjust the dropdown to select the new owner.

Change Test Ownership

With stricter implementation of GDPR in Europe, PDPA in Singapore and DPDPA in India, we now have enabled customers to customize their own consent text in the Agreement Editor. Use this space to highlight the purpose of the assessment, candidate rights ask seek explicit consent.

Customize Consent Text

Presentation of Test Cases

Inadequate rendering of spaces caused confusion to hiring manager. We have enhanced the test case display to reflect the precise results of each test case, clearly showing the post compilation indentation and spacing.

News at Xobin 🎉

We just wrapped up an incredible 2 weeks at Dubai and Abu Dhabi, – our first customer conference in that region. I personally had a fantastic opportunity to connect with our customers and some enterprises. I hope to conduct more such events to meet you all in person. Some of them would be in London, Delhi, Bengaluru, Jakarta and New York in year. Where should we meet?

News at Xobin

We also completed our 7th year of operation! Thanks to all you customers for your continued support. As usual, we went about with a small celebration 🙂 and donated a small percentage of our profits to an NGO that works on a cause that is close to our heart.

Teaser to Our Next Release 💥

  1. Revamped APIs: As we build newer products, we make significant leap forward, embracing a RESTful architecture for enhanced scalability. Also, ease of use. API v2 expands our suite of APIs, offering greater flexibility and integration capabilities to meet your diverse needs.
  2. Strategic Integration with ATS and LMS: We’ll be making announcements for our newer strategic partnerships with a few Top ATS and LMS. So, ping us your ATS and we’ll work with them to secure an Integration. Incase you wish to switch to our in-built ATS Xobin Track – do ping your Customer Success Manager.
  3. Front-end framework compilers for React, Angular & Kotlin: This has been one of the more trickier R&D aspects for us. Front-end web application frameworks like ReactJS, Angular or Mobile frameworks like Kotlin is next on our list. A compiler would be a more practical way to assess these frameworks.  

Wow, that’s over 20 product updates in May, most of which we received from requests via customers. I understand that these are a lot of updates in a short period of time. Hence, to aid this process, we would be conducting a Webinar with a detailed walkthrough on all these features. So, feel free to sign up for the webinar. If you can’t make it live, we can send over the recording/deck. To join the webinar click on the button below to register:

Thanks for your time and trust. Stay tuned for more. You can always reach out to me on [email protected]

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