HR Generalist Interview Question

Top interview questions for HR Generalist

An HR generalist is responsible for handling multiple HR functions but their work isn’t limited to a specialized line of work. 

HR generalists usually are skilled in one particular HR function and handle other HR functions as well.

Are you in a hurry to get started? Download the HR Generalist Interview Questions and Responses Toolkit.

Hard Skills

Use these questions to identify a candidate’s technical knowledge and abilities

Soft Skills

Use these questions to assess a candidate’s personality traits and cognitive skills

What to look for while interviewing for an HR Generalist?

Since the demand for HR professionals is high, the number of job applications has also subsequently gone up. At times, it gets difficult to differentiate the capable candidates from others. After analyzing hundreds of job descriptions from different job platforms, we have curated some of the most in-demand skills needed in an HR generalist.

Here are some of the in-demand skills for a Brand Manager

Role-specific skills to look for: knowledge of hr management tools, relationship management, etc.

Soft skills to look for: communication skills, organizational skills, etc.

Pro Tip: Always screen before you interview. Use Online Assessment to screen applicants for an HR generalist position before blocking your time for an in-person interview.

Questions to ask while interviewing an HR Generalist    

We have compiled a set of questions with the help of 70+ hiring managers at different organizations.

Top Role-based interview questions for HR Generalist

What is the importance of employee engagement in a company?

Purpose of this interview question:

The question is used to determine the knowledge level of the candidate.

What to listen for:
  • Listen to the candidate’s answer carefully and see if they incorporate some real life examples in their answer as well.

What experience do you have with recruitment activities?

Purpose of this interview question:

The question is designed to understand the diversity of the skill set of the candidate.

What to listen for:
  • Candidates should thoroughly explain their personal recruitment experiences.

What according to you is the most crucial skill required in the field of HR?

Purpose of this interview question:

The question is used to analyze the understanding of the candidate.

What to listen for:

Pay attention to the reason that the candidate gives for saying that a particular skill is crucial.

How to screen HR Generalist for soft skills

What would you do if a department team chastises an intern badly during a meeting?

Purpose of this interview question:

The question puts the candidate in a real-life job situation and then tests if they can make an appropriate decision or not.

What to listen for:
  • Top candidates will come up with an effective yet practical solution to the problem and will provide some reasoning for choosing such response. 

How would you make sure that every employee in the company understands and follows a change in the policy of the company?

Purpose of this interview question:

The question helps in assessing the communication skills as well as the role-specific skills of the candidate.

What to listen for:
  • Candidates should give a solid reason as to how a particular solution will get you the desired results.

What according to you will be the biggest challenge for you in this job role?

Purpose of this interview question:

The question helps in understanding if the candidate is self-aware about their career or not.

What to listen for:
  • You should pay attention to the reason that the candidate gave for this question.

Start Optimizing your HR Generalist Hiring today

Find and hire talent with confidence. If your candidate doesn’t know the answer to the above questions and you’re hiring for an HR Generalist position, then they’re probably not a great fit.

Read our additional hiring guides