Top AngularJS Interview Questions

Top AngularJS Interview Questions

Most Important AngularJS Interview Questions

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework. It simplifies the development of single-page applications by providing a structured approach. AngularJS acts as the foundation while building dynamic web pages. While we previously covered key interview questions on Angular2, this article focuses on essential questions to ask when hiring a full-stack developer. To assess candidates effectively, using an AngularJS Online Test can help evaluate their skills with real-world scenarios.

1. What is the architecture of AngularJS? Explain its components.

2. What are the differences between regular JavaScript and AngularJS? Why is AndgularJS preferred by JavaScript?

3. Explain what are directives? Mention some of the most commonly used directives in AngularJS application?

4. What is Angular Expression? How do you differentiate between Angular expressions and JavaScript expressions?

5. What is the difference between AngularJS and backbone.js?

6. Explain the ng-app directive. Also, Can AngularJS have multiple ng-app directives on a single page?

7. What does SPA mean? How can we implement SPA with Angular?

8. Explain what is the difference between a link and compile in Angular.js?

9. Explain what is DI? How an object or function can get a hold of its dependencies?

10. Explain the concept of scope hierarchy? How much scope can an application have?

Before you invite your candidates for an onsite interview, make sure that you spend your time on the right candidates. Also, gain better insights and a holistic picture of a candidate’s knowledge and potential on the domain skills with the help of a professional online assessment platform.

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