Top interview questions for Payroll Specialist
A payroll specialist is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the payrolls of the entire company. They are responsible for maintaining the employee database regarding the pay cut and salary.
Payroll specialists calculate the salary of the employees and also look after the taxes of the employees.
Are you in a hurry to get started? Download the Payroll Specialist Interview Questions and Responses Toolkit.
Hard Skills
Use these questions to identify a candidate’s technical knowledge and abilities
Soft Skills
Use these questions to assess a candidate’s personality traits and cognitive skills
What to look for while interviewing for a Payroll Specialist?
At times, it gets difficult to differentiate the capable candidates from others. After analyzing hundreds of job descriptions from different job platforms, we have curated some of the most in-demand skills needed in a payroll specialist.
Here are some of the in-demand skills for a Payroll Specialist
Role-specific skills to look for: knowledge of payroll management tools, relationship management, etc.
Soft skills to look for: communication skills, organizational skills, etc.
Pro Tip: Always screen before you interview. Use Online Assessment to screen applicants for a payroll specialist before blocking your time for an in-person interview.
Questions to ask while interviewing a Payroll Specialist
We have compiled a set of questions with the help of 70+ hiring managers at different organizations.
Top Role-based interview questions for Payroll Specialist
Your job role is ever-evolving in terms of technology and trends. How do you keep up with that?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question allows you to understand if the candidate can adapt to different situations or not.
What to listen for:
- Candidates should resort to their experience to answer this question and explain how they’ve been able to cope up with the technology so far.
What are the different types of payroll schedules that the companies use and what do you prefer personally and why?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question helps in testing the knowledge and competence of the candidate.
What to listen for:
- Pay attention to the reason that the candidate gives for preferring a particular payroll schedule.
What is the difference between direct deposit and indirect deposit?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question helps you test the knowledge of the candidate.
What to listen for:
- Listen for specific terms that explain the difference between the two terms.
How to screen Payroll Specialist for soft skills
How do you deal with delivering bad news to the employees?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question allows you to determine the competence of the candidate as well as their interpersonal skills.
What to listen for:
- Candidates should explain their personal process of delivering bad news to the employees and how that process has worked out for them.
What according to you are the major challenges in the job of a payroll specialist? How do you deal with them?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question is used to assess how well the candidate reacts to challenges.
What to listen for:
- Candidates should explain the challenges along with their reasons. They should also mention how they have been taking such challenges over the past years.
Tell us about a time when your ethics were challenged? What did you do in such a situation?
Purpose of this interview question:
The question helps in determining the ethical decision-making of the candidate.
What to listen for:
- You should pay attention to the story of the candidate and look for cues which show it’s true.
Start Optimizing your Payroll Specialist Hiring today
Find and hire talent with confidence. If your candidate doesn’t know the answer to the above questions and you’re hiring for a Payroll Specialist position, then they’re probably not a great fit.
Read our additional hiring guides